Tuesday, March 23, 2010


With March coming to a close very shortly I would like to share my goals for not only the rest of this month but, for at least the next few.  I am a little over 1,000 points away from gold star and about 5,500 points way from platinum star this month.  My goal is to achieve platinum star by the end of the month which, is going to include some long days but, I definitely think I can achieve this goal.  My next goal is to get supernova by the end of the year which, if I get platinum this month is less then 1,000 180 mans per month and that is a joke number to me now.  The last goal is to pick up students of my own and honestly I like teaching and watching the game as I do playing it myself so I can't wait for that challenge if it comes my way. 


  1. Hey Mike been following your blog this month. Well done on success so far and good luck with goals next month...

  2. rephorik i played halo with you alittle bit kaddy54 i dont know if you remember me but you need to teach me how to run shit. Aim me sometime- kaddy545454

  3. thanx neil and ya i remember you kaddy. I have no aim but if you search rephorik on skype hit me up
